Queer\ing Scandinavia: Traditional Topics, Recent Research and Current Concerns

(This page will be updated regularly)
The workshop is aimed at students and researchers and looks at queer topics and constellations in Scandinavia. We will focus on current research projects and together discuss theoretical perspectives and challenges. The aim of the workshop is to facilitate encounters – on the one hand, it is about a meeting of ideas and generations: We invite established academics who have been involved in the integration of queer topics into academia since the very beginning and emerging scholars and students who will bring their expectations and perspectives. On the other hand, the focus will be on spatial encounters: When researchers from Northern Europe meet with those researching Northern Europe from a German-speaking perspective, the intersections of internal and external perspectives can be illuminated. We see the workshop as a meeting space in which we explore the question of how queer research and research on queer topics can be further developed and rethought.
Monday, November 27th (Lecture hall 4, Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 6)
18:00 So damn easy going (S/N 2022) - Film and Mingle
Tuesday, November 28th (Straze, Stralsunder Str. 10)
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Projects I – The Cultural History of Aids (CHAD)
Anton Juul (Copenhagen):“΄It lasts forever΄ - On temporality and promiscuity in Niels Henning Falk Jensby’s novel Techno”
Michael Nebeling Petersen (Copenhagen): “The AIDS crisis, registered partnership, and historical foundations of contemporary Scandinavian homonationalism”
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Round-Table and Discussion
Stefanie von Schnurbein (Berlin), Sotirios Kimon Mouzakis (Zürich): “Doing queer. A conversation between generations”
12:15 Lunch
13:45 Projects II
Jay Geier (Vienna): “Queer Characters and the Embodied Reader: Views from 4E Cognition and Predictive Processing”
14:15 Short Coffee Break
14:30 Elisabeth Stubberud (Trondheim, digital): “Queer Sámi organising and research”
15:15 Discussion
“Where/how do we go from here?”
16:15 End
Anton Juul, Ph.D.-student at the Center for Gender, Sexuality and Difference at the Department for Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics. His Ph.D.-project, Sex after AIDS: Sexuality and Queer Masculinities in Contemporary Danish Literature, is an inquiry into representations of masculine homosexuality in four contemporary Danish novels with a distinct focus on scenes of submissive sex acts and anal pleasure.
Michael Nebeling Petersen, PhD, associate professor in Gender Studies at the Center for Gender, Sexuality and Difference at Department for Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen. He has worked extensively on homosexual culture and citizenship, new technologies of reproduction and kinship as well as digital media and mediated cultures of intimacy - with a firm interest on the formations of and intersections between sexuality, gender, whiteness, and national belonging. Currently, he is PI for the collaborative project The Cultural History of AIDS in Denmark, that examines how AIDS emerged, became signified and became embedded in Danish culture during the period 1981–2021.
Stefanie v. Schnurbein, professor for Modern Scandinavian Literatures at Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research and teaching focuses on Scandinavian 19th and 20th century literature, gender and queer studies, intersectionality, history of reception and ideology, neopaganism, literary anti-Semitism and figurations of Jewishness, disorderly eating in literature, literary configurations of bodies and economies, creative methodologies in the humanities. Host of podcast “nordlitt – Skandinavistische Literaturforschung im Gespräch (Scandinavian Literary Studies in Conversation)“: exgeist.hypotheses.org/nordlitt.
Sotirios Kimon Mouzakis, research assistant in Modern Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures at Zurich University. Research and teaching interests include young adult fiction, heroism studies, literary studies as cultural studies, intersectionality, topics of gender and sexuality, Medical Humanities (especially history of medicine and pharmacology, medical ethics, corporeality, substance use and abuse and its politics, connection of health, joy and ecstasy, human enhancement as/and science fiction). I don’t see myself as a Scandinavianist or literary scholar, but rather as someone who does cultural studies with the help of (fictional) texts. While my education and academic affiliation implies a strong focus on Scandinavia, I always try to embed my considerations in a more global context beyond Northern Europe.
Jay Geier is a university assistant employed at the section for Scandinavian Studies at the University of Vienna. In their PhD project they focus on bisexualities in contemporary Norwegian novels. Approaching by way of theories of literary character and cognitive narratology, they explore the facets of narration and reception of multiple-gender attraction and their ties to knowledges and culture. Another aspect of their work concerns the role and standing of bisexuality in Norwegian 20th century literature.
Elisabeth Stubberud is associate professor in gender, diversity and equality studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Tråante/Trondheim. Over the past few years Elisabeth has mainly been working within two areas; living conditions among the queer population in Norway, and the conditions for ethnic identification and belonging among the Sámi and Kven population in Northern Norway. She is also concerned with bringing together these two empirical fields, both as a researcher and as an activist. Elisabeth is interested in exploring multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and marginalisation, but also the preconditions for belonging and community across various social groups.